Sunday 8 March 2020

Super Capacitor and Their Use in Hybrid Energy Storage System

The Global energy challenges and their impact on the environment have accelerated the adaptation of renewable energy sources and development of smart and efficient micro grid technologies. Low voltage micro grid in particular has attracted increasing attention from researchers. Advantage of micro grid is that it replaces inefficient long distance high voltage transmission and distribution infrastructure. Unlike grid connected micro grids having unlimited support from high inertia power generators, standalone micro grids depend on its Energy Storage System (ESS) to balance the mismatch between generated and consumed power. The ESS stores surplus energy and supply it back to the system when needed. In stand alone systems, ESS also regulate instantaneous power variations and maintaining power quality. The varying and unpredictable power supply from solar PV cells is the major cause for degradation in battery lifespan. As the battery has high energy density but not suitable for high power density, the high surge current for short duration is also unfavorable for lifetime of the battery.
In certain applications requiring large current for short duration such as motor starting, electric vehicles and digital communication systems, the batteries were over sized to meet the requirements of peak currents introduced unnecessary expenses which is hardly justified. To overcome these limitations, supercapacitors started to gain attention and are widely used for energy storage especially in the renewable energy sector. The supercapacitors were introduced into a solar PV system with battery to improve energy density. This system is known as hybrid energy storage system (HESS).
Batteries and capacitors do a similar job-storing electricity- but in completely different ways. Batteries have two electric terminals (electrodes) separated by a chemical substance called an electrolyte. Upon switching the power, chemical reactions happen involving both electrodes and electrolyte. The battery can be charged and recharged hundreds of times before it needs replacing. On the other hand capacitors use static electricity rather than chemical reactions to store energy. It consist of two conducting metal plates with an insulating material called dielectric in between them. During charging, the positive and negative charges build up on the plates and the separation between them stores the energy. Capacitors have many advantages over batteries like they weigh less, don't contain harmful chemicals or toxic metals and they can be charged and discharged zillions of times without ever wearing out. A big drawback they have is that they can not store the same amount of energy as batteries.
A super capacitor differs from an ordinary capacitor in two ways: it's plates effectively have a much bigger area and the distance between them is much smaller. The plates are made from metal coated with a porous substance such as powdery, activated charcoal, which effectively gives them a bigger area for storing much more charge. Instead of using dielectric, both plates are soaked in an electrolyte and separated by a very thin insulator. When the plates are charged up, an opposite charge forms on either side of the separator, creating what's called an electric double-layer as shown in the figure. Typical capacitors used in electronic circuits store only miniscule amount of electricity usually rated in units called micro farads, nano farads, or pico farads. On the other hand a typical supercapacitor can store a charge thousands, millions, or even billions of times bigger. The big advantage of a supercapacitor is that it can store and release energy almost instantly-much more quickly than a battery. The batteries have high energy density (store more energy per unit mass) while supercapacitors have high power density (can release energy more quickly).
Electric Double Layer in Super Capacitor (Source:
With coupling batteries and supercapacitors together, it reduces the current stress on the batteries in order to decrease its size, improve its lifetime, decrease depth of discharge of battery and ultimately reducing the operating and maintenance cost of the system. When batteries are paired with supercapacitors, the supercapacitors can act as a buffer, relieving the battery of pulsed or high power drain. The advantages such as fast charging time, unlimited life cycle, low equivalent series resistance (ESR), robust and high power density makes it attractive and have been used to replace batteries in a number of applications. Other applications include wind turbines where very large supercapacitors help to smooth out the intermittent power supplied by the wind. In electric and hybrid vehicles, supercapacitors are increasingly being used as temporary energy stores for regenerative breaking (where the energy a vehicle would normally waste when it comes to a stop is briefly stored and then reused when it starts moving again).

Saturday 5 October 2019

Paris Agreement and Global Energy Transition

Wind Farm, Wind Energy, Renewable Energy

Paris Agreement

Paris agreement is the first universal and legally binding agreement on climate change which was adopted in 2015 at the end of the United Nations conference on climate change. The aim of the Paris agreement is to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change by keeping a global temperature rise below 2 degree Celsius at the end of 21st century and pursue efforts to further limit the rise to 1.5 degree Celsius.

Friday 4 October 2019

Ujalon Ka Safar

Image may contain: outdoor
"Ujalon Ka Safar" is an initiative of KP government with aim to construct community based 1000 Mini/Micro Hydro Power Projects (MMHPPs) across the KP. Scope of the MMHPP is to facilitate the access to electricity to remote villages and other off grid installations (schools and medical centers) by using renewable energies like micro hydro. The main objectives of the project are

Tuesday 24 September 2019

Hydrogen Fuel Cell and Future Energy

Hyundai NEXO Hydrogen Fuel Cell Car beim Autosalon Genf 2018
Courtesy Wikimedia Commons
We are living in a modern world, a world full of technology that looked completely futuristic just a generation ago. Those modern futuristic devices that help get us through the day all use energy and to supply all of that energy we need fuel. 
Today, the technology around generating clean renewable energy is evolving about as fast as the rest of our modern world and among the most versatile examples is fuel cell technology. Fuel cells provide critical energy backup for many large facilities, and they provide primary energy for some remote locations. Fuel cells are even being used to power vehicles and homes.

Saturday 14 September 2019


Seawater desalination is an important process to meet the fresh water demand. It plays a crucial role in the socio-economic development for many communities and industrial sectors. Currently there are more than 14,000 desalination plants in operation worldwide producing several billion gallons of water per day. Fifty seven percent are in the Middle East and and Gulf region where large scale conventional heat and power plants are installed. However since they are operated using fossil fuels, they are becoming  expensive to operate and the pollution and greenhouse gas emission they produce are increasingly recognized as harmful to environment. The integration of renewable energy resources in desalination and water purification is becoming more viable as cost of conventional systems increase, commitments to reducing greenhouse gas emissions are implemented and target for exploiting renewable energy are set. Thus, solar energy could provide a sustainable alternative to drive the desalination plants, especially in countries which lie on the solar belt such as Africa, the Middle East, India, Pakistan and China. There are two types of solar water desalination, the direct and indirect.

Monday 9 September 2019

Solar Energy and our daily life

Solar Energy is a completely renewable source of energy which produces power without producing greenhouse gases for your home or businesses. The cost of solar energy has been steadily decreasing, leading to many uses that can affect you in your daily life. We are now harnessing its energy to replace traditional methods. Instead of burning fossil fuels like coal and natural gas, consumers can  take advantage of the infinite energy  of the sun to power homes, cars and appliances. Lets have a look at how solar energy can be used in our daily life.